Bumper page

This section will show how to use the bumper element and how to customise it.

The Bumper is an optional UI dialog that informs the user that they are about to leave a kid-safe place and proceed to an external website.

In technical terms when a user clicks on an ad placement a bumper popup will be presented for a duration of 3 seconds informing that the user will be redirected to a external source.

SuperAwesome’s kid-safe review team will always configure the bumper when:

  • An ad links to a social media site, eg YouTube, Facebook, etc.
  • An ad links to a retailer or online shop

Bumper customisation

It is possible to customise the bumper in following ways:

  1. Add a custom name
  2. Add a custom logo

1. Bumper customisation - custom name

In order to override the name on the bumper dialog, please use the following code:

// customize the name displayed on the bumper page

In order to override the logo on the bumper dialog, please use the following code:

// customize the logo displayed on the bumper page

By default the Bumper page will try to use the application name and the AwesomeAds logo and will look like following:


Forcing the bumper

Optionally, Publishers can choose for the bumper to always display when an ad is served on a placement. In order to enable the bumper, please use the following code:

// enable the Bumper page for a particular banner placement

// enable the Bumper page on all interstitial ads

// enable the Bumper page on all video ads

Disabling the bumper

The bumper can subsequently be disabled using:

// disable the Bumper page for a particular banner placement

// disable the Bumper page on all interstitial ads

// disable the Bumper page on all video ads