Interstitial Ads

The following code block sets up an interstitial ad and loads it:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        super.onCreate (savedInstanceState);
        setContentView (R.layout.activity_main);

        // set configuration to production
        SAInterstitialAd.setConfigurationProduction ();

        // to display test ads
        SAInterstitialAd.enableTestMode ();

        // lock orientation to portrait or landscape
        SAInterstitialAd.setOrientationPortrait ();

        // enable or disable the android back button
        SAInterstitialAd.enableBackButton ();

        // enable close button with a delay
        SAInterstitialAd.enableCloseButton ();

        // enable or disable a close button that displays without a delay. Use instead of enableCloseButton.
        // WARNING: this will allow users to close the ad before the viewable tracking event is fired
        // and should only be used if you explicitly want this behaviour over consistent tracking.

        // start loading ad data for a placement
        SAInterstitialAd.load (30473, MainActivity.this);

Once you’ve loaded an ad, you can also display it:

public void onClick (View view) {

    // check if ad is loaded
    if (SAInterstitialAd.hasAdAvailable (30473)) {

        // display the ad (30473, MainActivity.this);

These are the default values:

Parameter Value
Configuration Production
Test mode Disabled
Orientation Any
Back button Enabled
Close button Enabled
Close button with no delay Disabled